24-Hour Orienteering Relay
Hůrky, CZ 28. - 29. 6. 2025

24-Hour Orienteering Relay

Organizer: FSP - VSK ČVUT Fakulta Stavební Praha, Fenri - klub sportů v přírodě, z.s.

Date:          June 28-29,  2025

Venue:     Hůrky 49.7490N, 13.6903E


Map: 1:10 000

Short rules

24-hour orienteering relay

It`s a relay race. All teams start in the same classification.

Each team consists of 6 runners (W/M age 16 or older). Each team must include at least 2 women and a maximum of 3 men aged 19-34. The sequence of runners stated at the registration has to be kept during the whole competition.

The start of the race for all teams is Saturday at 9 a.m. The closing time of the race is Sunday at 9 a.m.

The team with the highest number of successfully finished courses will be the winner. Courses are of different lengths and difficulty. The choice of courses depends on team strategy.

12-hour orienteering relay

The team composition (2-6 runners) and the running order can be chosen freely.

The start for all teams is Saturday at 9:15 a.m. The closing time of the race is Saturday at 9:15 p.m.

6-hour youth orienteering relay

Every team is allowed to have 4-6 runners; each team must include at least 2 girls and 2 members born in 2008 or later.

W/M 14 is the maximum age class allowed for any team member.

The running order can be chosen freely.

The start for all teams is Saturday at 10:00 a.m. The closing time of the race is Saturday at 4 p.m.

Applications: via ORIS by one-time entry, emergency to: prihlasky@fspraha.cz. An email application is
accepted the moment you receive a reply.

Entry fee (EURO)


until 30. 3. 2025

      until 31. 5. 2025      

      until 15. 6. 2025       

24 hours




12 hours




  6 hours




Bank transfer:

IBAN: CZ3520100000002400694848
Appropriation: '24h-OL team name.


Director: Ondřej Skripnik

Phone: +420 737 372 573; Email:  24ob@fspraha.cz